Interaction Between Partial Differential Equations and Convex Geometry (21w5139) (online conference),
Hangzhou, China, October 17th–22nd, 2021.
Title: "On the asymptotic normality of random polytopes in spherical geometry".
DMV-ÖMG Annual Conference 2021: Sektion Geometrie und Topologie (hybrid conference),
Universität Passau, September 27th–October 1st.
Conference on Convex, Integral and Stochastic Geometry,
Bad Herrenalb (Black Forest), Germany, September 5th–10th, 2021.
Title: "Asymptotic normality for the volume of random polytopes in non-Euclidean geometries".
Workshop: High dimensional measures: geometric and probabilistic aspects (online conference),
Universität Bonn, Germany, March 22nd–26th, 2021.
Winter School on "The Interplay between High-Dimensional Geometry and Probability"(online conference),
Universität Bonn, Germany, January 11th–15th, 2021.
The Interplay between High-Dimensional Geometry and Probability (online semester program),
Universität Bonn, Germany, January 5th–April 23th, 2021.
Problem Group on "Random polytopes in spherical geometries".
Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020 (online conference),
Section: "Limit theorems, large deviations and extremes", August 24th-28th, 2020.
prerecorded presentation on "Random convex hulls in non-Euclidean geometries" jointly with Daniel Rosen and Christoph Thäle (YouTube).
Research Seminar on Probability and Geometry (online lecture via Zoom),
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, June 2nd, 2020.
Titel: "Best and random approximation in the dual Brunn–Minkowski theory".
MFO Wokshop: New Perspectives and Computational Challenges in High Dimensions,
Oberwolfach, February 2nd–8th, 2020.
Title: "Polytopal Approximation in Non-Euclidean Geometries".
Conference on Convex, Discrete and Integral Geometry,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, September 16th–20th, 2019.
Title: "Polytopal Approximation in the dual Brunn–Minkowski Theory".
Differential Geometry and its Applications
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, September 1st–7th, 2019.
Title: "Polytopal Approximation in Hilbert Geometries".
Asymptotic Geometric Analysis IV,
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, July 1st–6th, 2019.
Title: "Polytopal Approximation in the dual Brunn–Minkowski Theory".
Bolyai Institute, Szeged, April 5th–6th, 2019.
Title: "Spherical Centroid Bodies".
Spring School and Workshop on Polytopes,
RUB, Bochum, March 11th–15th, 2019.
Title: "Random polytopes and spherical centroid bodies".
Analysis and Probability Seminar,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, February 19th, 2019.
Title: "Spherical Centroid Bodies".
MFO Workshop: Convex Geometry and its Applications,
Oberwolfach, December 9th–15th, 2018.
TU Dresden, December 7th–8th, 2018.
Title: "Spherical floating bodies".
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, November, 20th, 2018.
Titel: "Weighted floating bodies of polytopes".
CSASC 2018, Workshop on Functional Analysis and Geometry
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, September 11th–14th, 2018.
Title: "Weighted floating bodies of polytopes"
Recent Advances in Convex Geometry and Geometric Functional Analysis
TSIMF, Sanya, May 14th–18th, 2018.
Title: "Spherical floating bodies and floating area measures"
Workshop on Emerging Trends in Geometric Functional Analysis
BIRS, Banff, March 25th–30th, 2018.
Title: "Floating bodies and random approximation" (Video)
Ohio State University, March 16th–18th, 2018.
Title: "Floating bodies and random approximation"
Université de Fribourg, December 13th, 2017.
Title: " Floating bodies in spherical and hyperbolic geometry".
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Mageburg, December 8th–9th, 2017.
Title: "Floating bodies of polytopes".
Convex and Integral Geometry 2017,
Goethe University Frankfurt, September 25th–29th, 2017.
Title: "Weighted floating bodies of polytopes".
19th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting,
Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, September 11th–15th, 2017.
Title: "Weighted floating bodies of polytopes".
Convex, Discrete and Integral Geometry,
Banach Center Będlewo, June 4th–9th, 2017.
Title: "Weighted Floating Bodies".
Analysis and Probability Seminar,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, March 7th, 2017.
Title: "The affine surface area in Euclidean convex geometry and beyond".
Mini-Workshop: Perspectives in high-dimensional probability and convexity,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, February 5th–11th, 2017.
Universität Chemnitz, December 8th–9th, 2016.
Titel: "The floating area in real space forms".
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, November, 30th, 2016.
Titel: "The weighted floating body and polytopal approximation".
INdAM Workshop: Analytic aspects of convexity,
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Rome, October 10th–14th, 2016.
Title: "Weighted floating bodies & polytopal approximation".
Conference on convex and discrete geometry,
Vienna University of Technology, July 4th–8th, 2016.
Title: "The floating body in real space forms".
North Dakota State University, Fargo, April 16th–17th, 2016.
Title: "The floating body in real space forms", (Abstract).
University of Georgia, March 5th–6th, 2016.
Title: "The floating body in real space forms", (Abstract).
CMO Workshop: Affine geometric analysis,
Oaxaca, September 20th–25th, 2015.
Title: "The hyperbolic floating body", (Video).
Intuitive geometry, László Fejes Tóth centennial,
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and Central European University,
Budapest, June 22nd–28th, 2015.
Title: "The spherical convex floating body".
Workshop on integral geometry and valuation theory,
ETH Zürich, Switzerland, June 17th–19th, 2015.
Title: "The spherical convex floating body".
San Francisco State University, October 25th–26th, 2014.
Title: "The spherical convex floating body", (Abstract).
BIRS Workshop: Geometric tomography and harmonic analysis,
Banff, March 9th–14th, 2014.
Title: "Binary operations in spherical convex geometry", (Video).